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Color Code

GREEN - 000 SHU - Sweet no heat at all!

Black - UP To 1 MILL SHU - Hot

RED - 1 MILL - 2 MILL SHU - Super hot

BLUE - 2 MILL+ SHU AND UP! - Ultra Hot



For More info on Peppers Click HERE

Peppers are a must grow for all gardeners. They add zest to our daily lives and are some of the more expensive vegetables in the supermarket! So growing peppers is a wise move when you are crunching the budget. offers you a wide variety of peppers to choose from. Some of the varieties we offer are: Malagueta Pepper, PI 497984, Pepperoncini Pepper, Elephant's Ear Pepper, Guajillo Pepper, Dwarf Aji Charapita Pepper, Candlelight Mutant Pepper, Yolo Wonder Pepper, HellFire Chili Pepper, Cap 501 Pepper, Tunisian Baklouti Pepper, Filius Blue Pepper, Bolivian Rainbow Pepper, Rocotillo Pepper, Wartryx Pepper, CGN 20800 Pepper, Aleppo Pepper, Pink Tiger Pepper, Pequin Chile Pepper, Aji Amarillo Pepper, Dragon's Breath Pepper, Komodo Dragon Pepper, Capsicum exile, Scoville units, Capsicum rhomboideum Pepper, Piaozinho Pepper, CGN 19198 Pepper, Mojo Blackie Pepper, Sugar Rush Cream Pepper, Chocolate 7 Pot Douglah Pepper, Anaheim Hot Pepper, Serrano Pepper, Aji Charapita Pepper, Tabasco Pepper, Habanero Red Pepper, Japanese Shishito Pepper, Yaki Blue Fawn Pepper, Trinidad Scorpion Pepper, Ancho Chile Pepper, Birds Eye Pepper, Peach Habanero Pepper, Leutschauer Paprika Pepper, Criolla de cocina Pepper, Bulgarian Ratund Pepper, Fish Pepper, 7 Pot Yellow Pepper, Trinidad Scorpion Sweet Pepper, Japones Pepper, Peter Pepper Yellow, Pimiento Sweet Pepper, Hardy Chili Pepper, Fatalii Pepper and many many more! Be sure to check in often as we add more varieties everyday. We soon plan to offer tomato starts in spring to many of these varieties once we can expand our greenhouses and gardens.

aji verde pepper
BBG7 MAMP Orange pepper (17).JPG
Here is the Little Nubian Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 2,000 to 8,000 SHU. This pepper originates from Jamaica and is also know as Jamaican Sore Throat pepper and Black Scorpion Pepper. We received the seeds as "Black Scorpion Pepper" but we're changing the name of the listing to the better known name Little Nubian Pepper. These peppers are mild in heat but can be quite hot and varies from pepper to pepper and have a wonderful smooth flavor. They produce peppers about 1 1/2 to 2 inches round with 3 to 5 lobes and and looks a bit like a tiny bell pepper! Fruits turn pitch black in full sun then ripen to an orange red color. These plants can be very productive and love warm temperatures only getting to 30 inches tall and compact bushy type. One plant can produce dozens or more peppers. Fruits take a long time to ripen and great for pickling! It's a mid to late season variety so make sure to get started early! Open pollinated 80 to 90+ days from transplanti
Bull's Heart Pepper
Mini Red Pepper
Here is the Mustard Habanero Pepper, Capsicum chinense,  Scoville Units: 100,000 ~ 325,000 SHU. This is the true version of this pepper. These Peppers can get quite large as big as 3 inches long! Plants can grow to 3+ feet tall with a bush like shape. Plants are also very productive producing well over 2 dozen pods per plant. Fruits are mustard in color when ripe and has a very smooth flavor with a mild fruity taste almost berry like taste! However the heat can have a wide range with some not being so hot at all an others that will roast you. Best grown in full sun by itself away from other plants. Fruits ripen late in the season. Open pollinated 85 days.
Sulu Adana Pepper
Here is the Renkli Aci Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 1,000 ~ 2,500 SHU. This pepper originates from turkey. The plants can get to 4 feet tall producing hundreds of fruits. Pods can range in size from about an inch to as big as 2 inches. they start out green with some blackish stripping then ripen to full red. The taste of this pepper can be quite tangy at times but found some to be much less tangy. We feel this pepper would be best used for pickling or roasting and used as a garnish. Open pollinated 80 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Orange Spice Jalapeno Pepper, Capsicum annuum,  Scoville Units: 2,000 ~ 8,000 shu. This pepper originates from the USA and was created by the New Mexico State University’s Chile Pepper Institute often referred to as NuMex. It is a cross between a early jalapeno and a permagreen bell pepper. This very productive variety produces pods from about 1.5 to 2 inch long fruits with an orange color. they have a jalapeno type flavor with a twist of sweetness. Some say these peppers can get to 80,000 shu but have fund this not to be the case with our plants Open pollinated 90 days. Visit for your garden seeds! You can read more about it HERE :
Here is the Purple Ghost Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville Units: 1,000,000+ This is the true variation of the purple ghost pepper. There are a lot of sites selling something that resembles more of a habanero then a bhut. we sourced our seeds from Mojo Peppers when they were still around. This is a bhut jolokia that is purple when it is in it's unripe stage but when it ripens it turns red. Pods get to around 2 inches an have the typical shape of a bhut. Plants are highly productive in full sun. This plant needs to be in full sun for pods to turn purple. Open pollinated 90 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Manzano Red Pepper, Capsicum pubescens, Scoville units: 30,000 ~ 60,000 SHU. This is a black seed variety and is native to Bolivia and Peru. It is an extremely hot, red colored pepper looking much like the habanero. Seeds are from the rarer red-skinned type rocoto tree pepper sometimes referred to as the apple chili. This pepper is considered a rocoto tree pepper relative and is noted for its cold hardiness, as it naturally grows on Andean mountain slopes, this pepper will survive several degrees below freezing. Plants grow from 2 to 6 feet tall and can live for many years. Peppers can get to 3 inches round and bright red. Open pollinated 110 days from transplanting.
Here is the Short Purple Cayenne Pepper, Capsicum annuum,  Scoville Units: 30,000 shu. This variety is a short upright purple cayenne pepper. We originally sourced our seed as a long purple cayenne instead this is what came out! This pepper variety is very productive and produces fruit all summer long and even in winter months if you bring it in. Pods are about 1.5 to 2 inches long and 3/8 inch wide at the base. Plants and fruits get a very dark purple almost black color then ripen to red. Some pods can be very hot so be careful! Open pollinated 65 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Candlelight Pepper, Capsicum annuum,  Scoville Units: 500 ~ 5,000 SHU. This ornamental is very popular in front yard garden beds. It is a short bush type only getting to around 18 inches. The pods cluster at the top sometimes in bunches or as single fruits and get to around 1.5 inches long upright pods. Color goes from yellow to orange to red and will dry on the plant rather fast. These peppers are edible and make a great powder and we found them to be good for pickling too! Open pollinated 70 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Tehrani Pepper, Capsicum Frutescens,  Scoville Units: 500 ~ 10,000 SHU. This is the true version of this pepper. This pepper originates from the city of Tehran in Iran. It produces pods that range in size from 2.5 inches to 6+ inches long. The shape of the pods are strange where they are kinda square and have a blunt nose at the end. The heat can vary quite a bit with little to no heat to 10,000 SHU or over! Plants are productive but are late season type and can take months to ripen. The flavor is a very unique kind to taste. We recommend growing it in a pot and bring it in for the winter. Open pollinated 120 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Brazilian Starfish Pepper, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville Units: 5,000 – 30,000 shu. This pepper originates from Brazil and is in the baccatum family. This is the red variety with fruits ranging around 1.5 inches in size. They can be very heavy producers well over 100 pods per plant. These peppers are mild in heat but can be quite hot and varies from pepper to pepper and have a wonderful baccatum flavor. Plants can get to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide! Open pollinated 90 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
7 Pot Brain Strain   7 Pot Yellow   7 Pot original red   Aji Habanero   Aji Panca   Aji Peanut   Aji Penec   Albanian Red Hot   Anaheim Hot   Ancho Chile   Balloon   Banana Sweet   Beaver Dam Hot   Bell of Göllü   Bhut Jolokia Orange   Bhut Jolokia Red   Bhut Jolokia White   Birds Eye   Brown Bhutlah   Black Bhutlah   Bulgarian Ratund   California Wonder Sweet   California Wonder yellow   Caloro   Carmen   Carolina Reaper   Cascabel Chile   Cayenne Golden   Cayenne Joe's Long   Cayenne Large Thick   Cayenne Long Thin   Cayenne Purple   Cayenne Sweet   CGN20812-PI 159233   CHARAPITA   Chipotle   Costeno Rojo   Cowhorn   Criolla De Cocina   Cubanelle Sweet   Datil   Devil Yellow   Devil’s Tongue Red   Dulce Marrón (PL)   Ethiopian Brown Berbere   Fatalii yellow   Fatalii red   Feherozon   Fish   Friariello   Georgescu Chocolate   Giant Aconcagua   Goat CGN22794-PI260595   Goat’s weed   Goliath Bell   Gypsy Sweet   Habanero Caribbean Red   Habanero Chocolate   Habanero Lemon   Habanero Mu
Capsicum flexuosom (2).JPG

Capsicum flexuosum

Here is the Shattah Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 2,000 ~ 15,000 SHU. This Pepper originates from the middle east and is mainly used the make "Shattah Paste" hence the name. The heat on them can have a wide range but we haven't found them to be to much hotter then a jalapeno. Pods range from 2 ~ 6 inches long and go from green to red when ripe with skins a little on the thick side. Plants are good producers and get to around 24 inches but can get to  30 inches in good soil. Makes a great house plant. Open pollinated over 80 days.
Here is the Hungarian Yellow Wax Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 1,000 to 15,000 SHU. This Heirloom Pepper variety is often seen in grocery stores but is not the same thing. The Hungarian peppers seen in stores are a commercial variety. They go from a lime green to yellow then to red or crimson when mature. Heat on them can range from low to moderately hot but we haven't found them to be to much hotter then a mild jalapeno. Pods range from 4 ~ 6 inches long. Plants are good producers and get to around 24 inches but can get to 30 inches in good soil. Makes a great house plant when pruned. Open pollinated over 70 days.
Here is the Willing's Barbados Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 20,000 SHU. This pepper originates from Barbados and grows wild on the island. It is a classic ingredient in the local cuisine. John Bartram first received this variety in the 1760s by Charles Willing. This variety is a short upright red bird pepper about 1.5 inches long and about half inch wide. Plants get to 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide with hundreds of peppers on it. Some pods can be very hot so be careful! Open pollinated 75 days from transplanting.
Here is the BBG7 MAMP (Mojo Addicted Mutation Pepper) Black Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 100,000 ~ 350,000+ SHU. This pepper originates from Italy and was created by Mojo peppers. It is a cross between BBG 7 pot pepper and the Pimenta da Neyde pepper. Pods start out pitch black then ripens to red mottled with orange, green and black with an red calyx and gets to around 2.5 inches long. Plants can get to 5 feet tall and produce dozens of fruits per plant. The peppers have an amazing rich flavor with a very medium striking burn that don't go away very fast! It is now an F-2 or older, and is somewhat stable. Open pollinated 90+ days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the CAP 524 Pepper, Capsicum chacoense, Scoville Units: 25,000 to 40,000 SHU. This pepper originates from Peru and was entered into the IPK Gatersleben database in 1979 by G. Müller. The peppers are about 1 inch long and upright type. Plants get to around 4 feet tall and will produce well over 100 pods. They grow very similar to a Tabasco pepper but with slightly smaller fruits. More info coming soon! Open pollinated, 85 days. Here is the IPK page for more info.
Here is the Paradeisfrüchtig Frührot Pepper, Capsicum annuum var. grossum, Scoville units: 000 SHU. This Pepper originates from Austria and is widely used through out the region. The pepper has a red skin when ripe but starts off green. Fruits tend to be a flattened and ribbed pepper shape and sometimes referred to as "retund". The fruits get to 3 inches across and about 1.5 inches thick with thick walls. They have a great pepper flavor and very crispy but has no heat. This pepper is considered to be uncommon in the market place. One plant can produce a dozen or more peppers and get to 2 feet tall. You can Grow it as an annual or ornamental in the vegetable garden or bring it in for the winter! Open pollinated 75 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Aji Charapita Iquitos Pepper, PI 260498, Capsicum chinense, Scoville Units: 25,000 to 90,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the city of Iquitos in Peru. The peppers are about 1/4 inch round and a upright type. Plants can get to around 4 feet tall and will produce well over 100 pods. They grow very similar to the regular charapita pepper variety but with slightly smaller fruits. The peppers have a very similar taste to the regular charapita with a slight twist. Pods tend to be a little harder and dryer then the regular charapita. Fruits tend to be late season ripening type Open pollinated, 85 days.
Here is the Black Scorpions Tongue Pepper, Capsicum annuum,  Scoville Units: 30,000 to 80,000 SHU. This Pepper we believe originates from the USA. Pods get to around 1.5 inches long and shape can vary quite a bit. They go from a light green mixed with a peach color and purple shadowing on the skin when grown in full sun. Plants can get to 4.5 feet tall and put out dozens of fruits! When conditions are right they can get stripping and patching of random colors making them very beautiful. They are great when dried! Open pollinated over 80 days. Visit for your garden seeds!
Here is the Bola Pepper CAP 1655 also known as Rotfruechtig Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 100 to 3,000 SHU. This Pepper originates from the region of Estremadura in Spain. It is the chili pepper used to make the famous chili powder called "Pimenton de la Vera" and is used to make many french dishes. Pods get to around 2 inches round and the shape can vary but usually a bit ribbed and taper to a slight point and sometimes flattened. They go from green to a deep dark almost Burgundy type red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 34 inches tall and put out dozens of fruits! Please note that this is not the cascabel pepper though the cascabel pepper uses the name "Bola" to describe the fresh cascabel chili peppers. They are great when dried and make a really good stuffed pepper dish! Open pollinated over 80 days.
Here is the CAP 1445 Pepper, Capsicum chacoense, Scoville Units: 10,000 to 30,000 SHU. This pepper originates from Bolivia. It 'also known as the "Chile Congo Pepper". The flowers are white with yellow anthers and plants only get to around 30 inches tall and spread out wide with wiry thin branches. The peppers are about 1/4 inch long and upright type. Plants are a good producer with over 100 pods. They grow very similar to many other bird peppers but with blunt nose fruits. Fruits tend to be late season ripening type. Open pollinated, 65 to 90+days.
Here is the CGN 16941 Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville Units: 5,000 to 30,000 SHU. It is said that this pepper may be a natural hybrid between an annuum and a chinense but we believe its just an chinense. The pepper originates from south-east Brazil and Its also known as the "RU 72-119 Pepper". The flowers are white and plants only get to around 3 feet tall and spread out wide. The peppers are about 1.5 inches long and upright type. Plants are a good producer with dozens of pods. They grow very similar to many other bird peppers but with blunt nose fruits. Fruits tend to be late season ripening type. Open pollinated, 55 to 90+ days.
Here is the Mini Brown Rocoto Pepper, Capsicum pubescens, Scoville Units: 5,000 to 30,000 SHU. The pepper originates from South America and Its also known as the "Mini Rocoto Brown Pepper". The flowers are purple and plants only get to around 3 feet tall and spread out wide. The peppers are about 1  inch round with black seeds. Plants are a good producer with dozens of pods. They grow very similar to many other rocoto type peppers but with much smaller fruits. Fruits tend to be late season and takes a long time to ripen. Open pollinated, 75 to 90+days.
Here is the Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Sweet Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 2,500 ~ 100,000 SHU. The Pepper originates from Pennsylvania USA. The pods are the same size as the regular Trinidad Scorpion Sweet Pepper but sometimes a little smaller and the skin is bumpy brown and lacks the tail. These peppers range in heat between 2,500 to 100,000 SHU an sometimes higher! Taste is very mild but can be spicy! Plants get to 4 feet tall and can be a heavy producer. This is a chocolate variation from the red version. You can Grow it as an ornamental, or in the vegetable garden, or both! Open pollinated 75 to 90 days.
Here is the Aji Omnicolor Pepper, PI 215739, CGN 22141, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 30,000 to 50,000 SHU. This pepper originates from Peru. It is an ornamental variety that is edible an quite tasty. Pods start out bone or white in color then turn orange and finally to a deep dark orange or red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3 feet tall but they get wider more then tall getting to as wide as 4 feet and produce hundreds of fruits per plant. Pods have an amazing baccatum flavor with a very nice glowing burn that don't go away very fast! Even tho this pepper is rated very high on the scoville scale we feel it is much lower in heat more like a cayenne but with the taste of a baccatum. Excellent for drying and making ristras! Open pollinated 78 days.
Here is the Akabare Khursani Pepper also known as Dalle Khursani Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 8,000 to 30,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the Ilam district of Eastern Nepal. It is a mini cherry pepper variety that is quite tasty. Pods start out green in color then turn to a deep dark red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 2 feet tall and tend to be a dwarf type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 16 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor with a very nice stricking burn that don't go away very fast! Even tho this pepper is rated very high on the scoville scale we feel it is much lower in heat more like a cayenne but with the taste of a annuum. Excellent for drying and pickling! Please note that some peppers can get to 80,000 shu level so take caution when serving. Open pollinated 68 days.
Here is the Aji Minas Gerais Pepper, PI 441565, BGH 1780, baccatum var. pendulum, Scoville units: 3000 to 11,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil and was first collected in the cities of Boituva, Sao Paulo in October of 1967. Read more HERE It is a pendulum pepper with pods getting 6 inches long and smooth skinned with slightly bumpiness to them. Pods start out light green in color then turn to yellow then orange and red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 4+ feet tall and tend to be a large plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall. Pods have an nice baccatum or berry like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great drying pepper and hold up well on the grill. They are also great for pickling too!  Open pollinated 60 to 85 days.
Here is the Chay Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 0 to 500 SHU. This pepper originates from the country of Cuba. It is a common seasoning pepper used throughout Cuba with pods getting to 3.5 inches long and smooth skinned. Pods start out green in color then turn to red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3 feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plant but if pruned they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall. Pods have an nice annuum or apple like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may have a little heat if the plants get stressed out! These make a great drying pepper and hold up well on the grill. They are also great for pickling too! Open pollinated 65 to 75 days.
Here is the Aji Santa Cruz Pepper, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 300 to 5000 SHU. This pepper originates from the island of Tenerife of the Canary Islands off the coast of West Africa where it gets its name from the capital, Santa Cruz. It is a very strangely shaped pepper, with pods getting very long and convolutions and valleys. Pods start out green in color then turn to red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 6 feet tall and tend to be a large almost tree type but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall. Pods have an amazing baccatum flavor with a very nice smooth crunchy sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great grilling pepper especially for frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling and drying too! Open pollinated 76 to 93 days.
Here is the Cascabel Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 100 to 3,000 SHU. It is also known as the rattle chili as the seeds rattle inside a dried cascabel when shaken which is one of the few chilies that don't flatten when they dry. When dried it is referred to as (bola chili or chile bola) but not the same as the Bola pepper from Europe. This pepper originates from Mexico but widely used throughout central and south America. The fruits get to around 2.5 inches round and smooth skinned. Pods start out green in color then turn to mahogany red and brown in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3 feet tall and produce 2 dozen or more pods per plant. Pods have an nice mild flavor when fresh with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be hot! These make a great roasting pepper but are traditionally dry in many Latin american countries!  Open pollinated 80 to 100+ days.
Here is the Red Crystal Spike Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000 to 6,000 SHU. This pepper has it's origins from Canada. The peppers get to around 1.5 inches long and smooth skinned that are an upright type large bird pepper. Pods start out green in color then turn to red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be really good producers. Pods have an nice annuum like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! Here is what the person who sent the seeds told us: "Back in 2009 i found a small pepper in my brothers back seat storage in his car. He said he got it from his boss mucci farms at least 3 years before i found it. When i took seed it gave this potent scent, i couldn't stop coughing. Within a minute of extracting the seeds it started to burn through my gloves. I planted them in my father's greenhouse, which they also planted, chilaca peppers, jalapenos, ancho peppers and super shepherd
Here is the GRIF 9148 Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 100 to 1,200 SHU. This pepper originates from Costa Rica. It is a pasilla-type pepper variety that is quite tasty and sometimes refereed to as the "Holy Mole Pepper" but it is NOT the Holy Mole Pepper at all. It is also classified as a Capsicum frutescens L. but in fact that is a miss-classification and is a Capsicum annuum. Pods start out dark green in color then turn to a deep dark brown color when fully ripe and get to 9 inches long. Plants can get to 2 feet tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 20 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor when fresh with a very nice light burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for drying and pickling! This is a long season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 88 to 120+ days.
Here is the Short Yellow Tabasco Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 900 to 8,000 SHU. This peppers origins are unknown at this time. It is a little yellow pepper variety that is quite tasty and is often confused as a Tabasco pepper but in fact it is not. It is also classified as a Capsicum frutescens but in fact that is a miss-classification and is a Capsicum annuum. Pods start out green in color then turn to a deep yellow color when fully ripe and get to 1 inch long. Plants can get to 18 to 24 inches tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 16 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor when fresh with a very nice medium burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for drying and pickling! This is a mid season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 78 to 85+ days.
Here is the NuMex Orange Spice Jalapeno Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1,100 to 10,000 SHU. This peppers originates from the New Mexico State University at the Chile Pepper Institute USA and is a cross between a Permagreen Bell pepper and the Early Jalapeno. This orange Jalapeno pepper variety is quite tasty and is often confused with the pumpkin spice Jalapeno pepper which is a short stocky variety of orange jalapeno pepper. Pods start out green in color then turn to a fire orange color when fully ripe and get to 2.5 inch long. Plants can get to 18 to 24 inches tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 19 inches tall. Pods have an amazing classical jalapeno flavor when fresh but with more sweetness with a very nice medium burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and pickling! This is a mid season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 70 to 87+ days.
Here is the CAP 455 Pepper, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, Scoville units: 1,000 to 2,500 SHU. This peppers originates from Germany and was first into the Leibniz Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK Gatersleben) in 1974. This rare baccatum pepper variety is quite tasty and is often confused with the Aji Verde pepper which is a shorter and stockier. Pods start out green in color then turn red in color when fully ripe and get to 3 to 4.5 inch long. Plants can get to 4+ feet tall and tend to branchy producing dozens of fruits. Pods have an amazing baccatum berry like flavor when fresh but with some sweetness with a very nice low burn that don't last very long! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and roasting! This is a mid to late season variety so start early! Open pollinated 70 to 100+ days.
Here is the CAP 872 Pepper, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum, Scoville units: 1,600 to 8,500 SHU. This peppers originates from Peru. This rare annuum pepper variety is quite tasty and is often confused with the Tepin pepper which is a species originating from north america. Pods start out green in color then turn orange then red in color when fully ripe and get to .25 to .50 inches long. Plants can get to 4+ feet tall and tend to branchy producing hundreds of tiny little peppers. Pods have an amazing rich annuum flavor when fresh or dried and a very nice striking burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and pickling! This is a mid to late season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 70 to 100+ days.
Here is the Tobago Seasoning Pepper, Capsicum Chinense, Scoville units: 10,000 to 15,500 SHU. This peppers originates from the island of Trinidad & Tobago the home of the 7 pot pepper. This rare habanero  type pepper variety is traditionally used in Caribbean cooking and is quite tasty an used  throughout many countries in the Caribbean. Pods start out lime green in color then turn dark orange or red in color when fully ripe and gets to 1.75 to 2 inches across. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to very bushy producing dozens of peppers. Pods have an amazing rich fruity flavor when fresh and when dried, they also have an amazing flavor too! Tho the heat is not very high, they still have a nice striking Chinense burn that last for a while! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and pickled! This is a mid season variety so start early! Open pollinated 75 to 90+ days.
Here is the Aji Imbabura Pepper, PI 595905, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, Scoville units: 3000 to 10,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the province of Imbabura in the country of Ecuador and was first collected on August 25 1996. Read more HERE. It is a pendulum pepper with pods getting 2.5 inches long and smooth skinned. Pods start out light green in color then turn to orange and red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a large plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall. Pods have an nice baccatum or berry like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great roasting pepper especially when frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling and drying too!  Open pollinated 80 to 90 days.
Here is the Mini Rocoto Red Pepper, PI 387838, Capsicum pubescens, Scoville units: 500 to 4,500 SHU. This peppers originates from Bolivia and comes in a red and yellow versions. This listing is for the red type of Locato Pepper. This rare Locato pepper (the true name is Locato and not Rocato) variety is quite tasty and is used quite a bit throughout many countries in south america mostly Bolivia. Pods start out green in color then turn orange then red in color when fully ripe and get to .75 to 1.50 inches round. Like all other rocato peppers they have black seeds and are very hard so make sure to remove them before eating. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to wider rather then taller producing dozens of small little Locato peppers. Pods have an amazing rich fruity flavor when fresh and when dried, they have an amazing flavor! Tho the heat is not very high, they still have a nice striking burn that last for a while! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and pickling! This is a late s
Here is the Fidalgo Roxa Pepper, Capsicum Chinense, Scoville units: 10,000 to 15,500 SHU. This peppers originates from Brazil and comes from a small family of peppers called "Roxa". This rare roxa pepper variety is quite tasty and is used quite a bit throughout many countries in south america mostly Brazil. Pods start out purple in color then turn peach in color with an overtone of purple on peach when fully ripe and get to .75 to 1.50 inches round. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to very bushy producing dozens of small little roxa peppers. Pods have an amazing rich fruity flavor when fresh and when dried, they have an amazing flavor too! Tho the heat is not very high, they still have a nice striking burn that last for a while! Excellent for eating fresh, drying and pickling! This is a mid season variety so start early! Open pollinated 70 to 90+ days.
Here is the Al-Bab Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 000 to 500 SHU. This pepper originates from the city of Al-Bab in the country of Syria. It is a wrinkly shaped, thick walled pepper variety that is quite tasty and sweet when fully ripened but may contain some low level heat in some peppers. Pods start out green in color then turn to red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3 feet tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 18 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor with a very nice smooth crunchy sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may have a slight bit of heat but not common at all! These make a great grilling pepper especially for stuffing and hold up well on the grill and great for pickling too! Please note that this pepper is not the same as the "Haskoria Pepper" which is grown very close to the same region as the AL-Bab pepper! Open pollinated 70 to 83 days.
Here is the 7 Pot Peach Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 100,000 to 600,000 SHU. We believe this version of the 7 pot pepper originates from the USA but can't back that up. It is very similar to the white bhut jolokia pepper but is different. Pods start out green then ripen to bone white in color when fully ripe with skins that are smooth like a habanero and not bumpy like a regular 7 pot pepper. Plants can get to 4 feet tall and produce dozens of fruits per plant. Pods have an amazing rich flavor with a very high striking burn that don't go away very fast! Even tho this pepper is rated very high on the scoville scale we feel it is much lower in heat more like a habanero but with the taste of a 7 pot. Open pollinated 80 days.
Here is the Aji Ahuachapáu Pepper, CAP 220, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 5000 to 10,000 SHU. This pepper originates from El Salvador. It is a pendulum pepper with pods getting 3 inches long and wrinkly skinned. Pods start out light green in color then turn to dark orange color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a large plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 2.5 feet tall. Pods have an amazing baccatum flavor with a very nice smooth crunchy sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great grilling pepper especially for frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling and drying too! Open pollinated 70 to 100 days.
Here is the Aji Challuaruro Amarillo Pepper, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, Scoville units: 500 to 2,000 SHU. This wild pepper originates from the highlands of Peru but is cultivated and sold in the street markets. It is a C. pendulum pepper with pods getting 4 inches long and smooth skinned. Pods start out bone in color with patches of purple then turn to a deep yellow color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 5+ feet tall and tend to be a large plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall. Pods have an amazing baccatum flavor with a very nice smooth crunchy sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great grilling pepper especially for frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling, drying and fresh eating too! Open pollinated 70 to 90 days.
Here is the Brown Jalapeño Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 200 to 2,000 SHU. This version of Jalapeno pepper originates from Brazil and sold in the street markets. This annuum pepper with pods getting 6 inches long and smooth skinned and one amazing jalapeno pepper! Pods start out green in color then turn to a deep brown color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing smooth flavor with a very nice crispy crunchy low heat sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great grilling pepper especially for frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling, drying and fresh eating too! Open pollinated 75 to 87 days.
Here is the CAP 1493/80 Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 600 to 2,800 SHU. This rare and unusual pepper originates from Institute of Plant genetics and Cultivated Plant research (IPK) of Gatersleben (Germany) and that is all we know for now. This annuum pepper with pods getting 3 inches long with its smooth skin and mild pepper flavor! Fruits start out green in color then turn to a dark red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 2.5+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing smooth flavor with a very nice chewy lower heat an sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be hot! These make a great stuffing pepper especially for grilling and holds up well on the grill and also great for pickling, drying and fresh eating too! Open pollinated 65 to 77 days.
Here is the Elephant Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 600 to 1,000 SHU. This rare and unusual embroidered pepper originates from Kosovo. This strange annuum pepper with pods getting 7 to 8 inches long with its corked skin and mild pepper flavor! Fruits start out green in color and begin to get very embroidered when the turn to a red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 2.5+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice chewy lower heat an sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be hot! These make a great drying pepper and holds up well on the grill and also great for and fresh eating too! NOTE: Please don't confuse this pepper with the Elephant's Trunk pepper as they are totally different varieties. Open pollinated 72 to 85 days.
Here is the Aji Peri-peri Pepper, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 1,000 to 7,000 SHU. This rare and unusual baccatum pepper originates from Africa. The strange pepper is a baccatum version of the Piri-piri which means "pepper" in Malawi and many other countries throughout Africa. It also goes by piri-piri or pili pili. Peri-Peri is a common name used to describe many peppers in africa similar to the "Tepin" in western countries. The pods get to around 2.5 inches long and has rich baccatum pepper flavor! Fruits start out white in color and turn to a red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 5+ feet tall and tend to be a tall sized plant but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice snappiness and medium heat an sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great drying and pickling pepper and holds up well in a skillet and also great for and fresh eating too! NOTE: Please don't conf
Here is the PI 439410 Pepper, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 1,000 to 5,000 SHU. This rare and unusual baccatum pepper originates from Uruguay and was first donated to the Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit, Griffin, GA in 1978 by Smith, P.G., University of California, read more HERE The strange pepper is a baccatum similar to a habanero but taste nothing like a habanero. The pods get to around 2 inches round and has rich baccatum pepper flavor! Fruits start out green in color and turn to a red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 5+ feet tall and tend to be a tall sized plant but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice snappiness and medium heat an sweetness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great sauce and pickling pepper and holds up well in a skillet an also great for and fresh eating too! Op
Here is the CAP 1141 Pepper, Capsicum Praetermissum, Scoville units: 400 to 1,200 SHU. This rare and unusual pepper originates from Brazil and parts of Paraguay in the highlands. The strange pepper is very similar to a C. baccatum var. baccatum but taste nothing like it. The pods get to around .25 inches long and has a rich short lived pepper flavor! Fruits start out green in color and turn to an orange color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 6+ feet tall and tend to be a tall sized plant but if pruned and potted they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice uniqueness and medium to low heat and lacks sweetness but very satisfying. Some peppers may be very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fresh eating too! Very rare variety! Open pollinated 62 to 84 days.
Here is the CAP 1546 Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1,000 to 400,000 SHU. This rare and unusual pepper origin is unknown at this time. The strange pepper is very similar to Filius Blue pepper but the pods are cone shaped and not round like the Filius Blue pepper. The pods get to around .75 inches long and has a rich pepper flavor! Fruits start out blue or purple in color and turn to an orange color and eventually a deep dark red when fully ripe. Plants can get to 16 inches tall and tend to be a very short dwarf like sized plant but if pruned and potted they can get very bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice annuum uniqueness and medium to low heat and lacks sweetness but very satisfying. Some peppers may be very very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fresh eating too! Very rare variety makes a great house plant or bonsai! Open pollinated 57 to 84 days.
Here is the CAP 1639 Pepper also known as Gelbfruechtig pepper, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum, Scoville units: 1,000 to 20,000 SHU. Read more HERE. This rare and unusual pepper originates from the Bundeszentrale Ex-situ-Genbank landwirtschaftlicher und gärtnerischer Kulturpflanzen in Germany. The strange pepper upright golden pods with one per node. The pods get to around 1.5 inches long and has a rich pepper flavor! Fruits start out green in color and turn to a brith yellow color and eventually a deep dark yellow-orange when fully ripe. Plants can get to 36 inches tall and tend to be a somewhat short sized plant but if pruned and potted they can get very bushy. Pods have an amazing smooth but sometimes sharp flavor with a very nice annuum overtone with medium to low heat and lacks sweetness but very satisfying. Some peppers may be very very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fres
Here is the CGN 21500 Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 1,400 to 18,000+ SHU. This rare and exotic pepper originates from Brazil. The strange pepper is very similar to Roxa family of peppers and taste similar to them. The pods get to around 1.25 to 1.75 inches across and has a rich fruity flavor that is somewhat short lived. Fruits start out cream in color with over shadowing of purple speckled with spots and turn to a peach colored base when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plant but if pruned and potted they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice uniqueness and medium to low heat with sweetness that is very satisfying. Some peppers may be very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fresh eating too! Very rare variety! Open pollinated 77 to 87 days.
Here is the Cheiro Roxa Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 10,500 to 65,000+ SHU. This rare and exotic pepper originates from Brazil. The strange pepper is very similar to a peach habanero and taste similar to them. The pods get to around 1.25 to 1.5 inches across and has a rich fruity flavor that is somewhat short lived. Fruits start out purple in color with speckled spots on them and turn to a peach colored base when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plant but if pruned and potted they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice uniqueness and medium to low heat with sweetness that is very satisfying. Some peppers may be very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fresh eating too! Very rare variety! Open pollinated 67 to 77 days.
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