Cascabel Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Here is the Cascabel Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 100 to 3,000 SHU. It is also known as the rattle chili as the seeds rattle inside a dried cascabel when shaken which is one of the few chilies that don't flatten when they dry. When dried it is referred to as (bola chili or chile bola) but not the same as the Bola pepper from Europe. This pepper originates from Mexico but widely used throughout central and south America. The fruits get to around 2.5 inches round and smooth skinned. Pods start out green in color then turn to mahogany red and brown in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3 feet tall and produce 2 dozen or more pods per plant. Pods have an nice mild flavor when fresh with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be hot! These make a great roasting pepper but are traditionally dry in many Latin american countries! Open pollinated 80 to 100+ days.
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10 seeds
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