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Tomato Seeds By Selection

This page is all of our Tomato seeds cataloged by: color, species, type ETC... so you can locate the varieties you are looking for fast! We are adding to this repository every few days, so be sure to check it first. These pages are still being built and therefore always being updated but you can search each page for seeds. If you find a link that don't work or other problems PLEASE contact us and let us know so we can fix it immediately!

BLACK- Everything in BLACK means we are still offering it even if it's out of stock.

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RED- Everything in RED means we are no longer offering it at this time but may offer it again in the future.

GREEN- Everything in GREEN means we are actively looking for it an will offer it in the future once acquired.

Here is the Speckled Roman Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, Created by John Swenson, This tomato is a sight to see. Its a cross between a Antique Roman and Banana Legs. It is an elongated plum tomato with stripes that run down the fruit with deep orange streaks with a tail at the bottom. Plants are very productive with fruits getting to as long as 5 inches long! With it's rich flavor and rare beauty, makes this a new winner. Indeterminate regular-leafed plants, Open pollinated 70 days from transplant.
Here is the Ca Chua Hong Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Vietnam and is considered a very old heirloom in that country. This very rare variety is a large beefsteak type with fruits that can get to 4+ pounds! They make monster pink beefsteak fruits that are very juicy and have a wonderful sweet flavor. Plants can get to 6+ feet tall and bare as many as a dozen monster tomatoes on each plants. Average size tomato is about 3 pounds. Great choice for making sauce. Open pollinated. Indeterminate. 60-85 days.
Here is the 67 – Jährige Tomate aus Babelsberg Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Germany and was considered an old European heirloom that had recently been rediscovered in a seed bank in Germany. The fruits are about 2 to 3 inches round but slightly oblate, regular leaf, inside yellow with a yellow skin and a hint of red-orange when fully ripe. Jährige Tomate aus Babelsberg translates from German to "Year-old tomato from Babelsberg". Mid season plants tend to get not much bigger then 3 feet tall. Great tasting tomato with an old world flavor. Open pollinated. semi-determinate. 60-80 days.
Here is the Chmielewsky's Wild Tomato, Solanum chmielewskii, new for 2020. This wild tomato is native to the Andean valleys of southern Peru to northern Bolivia at 7600 to 10000 feet ASL. The base of the stem can become very woody and be grown like a annual! This Indeterminate, pinnate leaf, perennial tomato plant produces 1/2" sized, light green type tomatoes with tinges of purple when grown in full direct sunlight and has a peach fuzz skin that can be a heavy producing variety. Plants can get to over 6 feet tall and sprawl along the ground. They do have a distinct aroma that does not smell like a regular tomato plant but rather a lemony like aroma. We found this variety to be resistant to most diseases. The fruits are edible and delicious BUT may have a toxicity so grow it as an ornamental till further research is done. This variety is a long season type with fruits ripening into late September or October but will flower all year if wintered over the following year. Seeds are tiny an

Tomatoes By Species

Anchor 1

Solanum pyracanthos

Solanum quadriloculatum

Solanum rostratum (S. cornutum)

Solanum sessiliflorum (Cocona)

Solanum sisymbriifolium

Solanum sitiens

Solanum spontaneum (Kruisbestomaat)

Solanum rostratum (S. cornutum)

Solanum triflorum

Solanum uporo

Solanum wallacei

Tomatoes By Color

Anchor 2

Pink Tomatoes

Here is the Gezahnte Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, new for 2019. This Indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces 6-10 oz., red, pleated tomatoes and is a heavily fluted variety that originates from Italy and introduced by Frau Isabella Buhrer-Keel of Basel, Switzerland and then offered later by SSE. We found this variety to come true every year from seed. It is a good producer an found this tomato variety to be very hardy and resistant to most blights. The fruits do vary in size an shape and can reach 2.5" across and 3 to a bract. Great for making sauces or eating fresh in salads, open pollinated 70 days.

Red Tomatoes

Here is the Beefsteak Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This particular type of beefsteak tomato is a rather small variety. In fact it is more like a slicer type. But it is indeed a type of beefsteak tomato as you can see by the inside of the tomato. It is a heavy producer and makes a great salad tomato! Plants get to around 5 feet tall but needs good staking as the weight of the plants will bring down most tomato cages. Open pollinated. Indeterminate. 75 days.

Orange Tomatoes

Here is the Kellogg’s Breakfast Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, It is a West Virginia heirloom obtained from Darrell Kellogg of Redford, Michigan. Large orange beefsteak fruits weigh 1 to 2 pounds. Delicious rich flavor with a good acid sugar balance. Plants are very productive with well over a dozen tomatoes. Indeterminate, Open pollinated 80-90 days from transplant.

White Tomatoes

White Tomesol Tomato (3).png

Black Tomatoes

Here is the Black Beauty Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This is a very unique tomato in a few ways. The tomato is a low acid heavy producing tomato verity. It has a true black color with a nice balance of sweet and tangy flavor.  It is one of only a few tomatoes that are truly black! Fruits can get to one pound and plants are also good producers. A good northern climate tomato verity. Open pollinated Indeterminate 75 days from transplant.

Bi-color Tomatoes

Here is the Vintage Wine Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, This stripped tomato, is a recent introduction from Europe which has tasty fruity flavor an are good sized with a unique pale pink to dark mahogany, with beautiful golden and green stripes that are quite distinct. This Rich flavored and rare beauty makes this a new winner. It's a Potato leafed, indeterminate type plant. 75 days from transplant.

Brown Tomatoes

Here is the Brown Tomato, Solanum, lycopersicum. We received this tomato seed as "brown tomato" and that is all we know about it but we do think its from the Baltic region. This particular type of beefsteak tomato is brown and has a very mild flavor. This seems to be a low acid type and melts in your mouth! Plants tend to get about 4 feet tall and is a heavy producer and makes a great salad tomato! Open pollinated. Indeterminate, 75 days.


Blue Tomatoes

Here is the Blue Bayou Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. It was created by Tom Wagner, from Washington. This is a blue to dark purple in color tomato with a nice balance of sweet and tangy flavor witch makes 1 to 2 inch fruits. This tomato needs to be in full direct sun to get good color on it. Plants are a pretty good producer but need some attention. A good northern climate tomato verity Indeterminate. Open pollinated 85-90 days.


Green Tomatoes

Here is the Emerald Evergreen Tomato aka Emerald Green Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. Introduced in 1950 by Glecklers Seedsmen, this tomato can easily get to 2 Lbs! Flavors are mild and sweet with a lime green color inside. A low-acid tomato with few seeds makes this tomato a great choice for making "Green sauce". Plants get quite tall with very thick stems Open pollinated. Indeterminate. 75 days.

Yellow Tomatoes

Here is the Yellow Warbler Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This compact dwarf variety of tomato originates from the USA and creator is Ellie from Bunny Hop Seeds. The plants can grow to 24 inches tall and very bush like and are very sturdy and are self supporting. The tomatoes get to about 2.5 to 2.75 inches long and are a deep yellow/golden color when fully ripe. This variety is classified as a "determinate" bush type dwarf. We found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for a year or so in small pots! The fruits are like a small plum and are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated, compact Dwarf, determinate, regular type regular leaf, early to mid season, yellow plum or pointed bullet, 57-88+ days. LOT# 6 TAG# 103-2022

Purple  Tomatoes

Here is the Dwarf Purple Reign Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from the USA and was created by Dean Slater. The fruits are a purple beefsteak tomato with purple flesh inside and is about 2.75 inch round and weighting around 14 Oz! Plants can get to 4 feet tall in really good soil but tend to stay around 3 feet tall. Great for salads, eating fresh and for tomato sauce and paste! Open pollinated, determinate, dwarf, rugose regular leaf, beefsteak, mid season, purple, fresh, salad or sauce, 67 to 94+ days. LOT# 1 TAG# 96-2022


Invisible Tomatoes

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Tomatoes By Type

Anchor 3

Cherry Tomatoes

Here is the Kazachka Cherry Red Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from the country of Russia. It is considered a commercial tomato and Lee Goodwin of J&L Gardens Seeds obtained the seeds through an offer from Dr. Carolyn Male. The fruits are a cherry type with a red skin and red flesh inside that gets to about 2 inch round and weighting around 2 oz. The thing about this variety is the variations in the sizes of the fruits. Plants can get to 5 feet tall in really good soil but plants tend to get to 3.5 feet tall. Great for salads, slicing and for tomato sauce! Open pollinated Indeterminate regular leaf 72-78 days.

Currant Tomatoes

Here is the Sweet Pea Currant Tomato, Solanum pimpinellifolium. This currant tomato was Introduced in the USA by SSE in 2004. These plants can get quite large as long as 20 feet and make great for hanging baskets or windowsill planters. This tomato is a heavy producer with as many as several hundred or even thousands of tiny currant tomatoes. These plants love lots of water and the more you water the bigger they get! the average size is .25 inches round  and 16 to a bract. Easy grow even for someone who never grew tomatoes before. We do NOT recommend planting this tomato variety in your normal garden spot as this variety will come up like a weed every year. Open pollinated Regular leaf Indeterminate mid season 55-75 days.

Slicer Tomatoes

Sturt Desert Pea Tomato

Beefstake Tomatoes

Henderson's Pink Ponderosa Tomato

Plum Tomatoes

Here is the (Dwarf) Window Box Roma Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato's origins are unknown. The fruits are a red plum tomato with a red colored flesh inside. They can get to about 2.5 inch long and weighing about 3 oz. Plants can get to 3.5 feet tall in really good soil but plants tend to stay around 3 feet tall. This tomato is one of the most productive varieties we grew in 2022! It makes multiple truss's of 4 to 6 per truss with as many as 60+ tomatoes per plant! This is a must grow for anyone who likes a lot of tomatoes! Great for salads, snacking and perfect for tomato sauce! Open pollinated, determinate, dwarf, regular leaf, early to mid season, red, cherry,/pear, Disease Resistant: V, F, N, 55 to 88+ days. LOT# 5 TAG# 295-2022


Oxheart Tomatoes

Pink Oxheart Tomato

Dwarf Tomatoes

Dwarf Lemon Ice Tomato

Micro Dwarf Tomatoes

Micro Gold Micro Dwarf Tomato

Strange Tomatoes

Stick Tomato PI 330725

Hollow Tomatoes

Douchoua Pepper Tomato

Paste Tomatoes

Polish Pastel Tomato

Variegated Tomatoes

Sweet Splash Electra Dwarf Tomato (39).JPG

High Carotene Tomatoes

opalka tomato

Embroidered & Scabby Tomatoes

Scabby Tomato The scabs on your tomatoes' stems are probably normal swellings that have the potential to form adventitious roots. If the plants look normal other than the scabs I would not worry. Plus as you discovered the plants usually outgrow the disease.

Wild Tomatoes

Known to botanists as Solanum pimpinellifolium or quaintly “pimp,” wild tomato plants are the ancestors of all the tomatoes we eat today. They still grow wild in northern Peru and southern Ecuador. No bigger than a shelled pea, pimps and their other wild tomato relatives, like wild currant tomatoes, are extremely adaptable and can survive in some of the driest, harshest desert regions to humid, rain-filled lowlands to chilly alpine heights.  Read more at Gardening Know How: Wild Tomato Information: Learn About Growing Wild Tomatoes



Heirloom Reviews Hairy Currant Tomato (19).JPG

Chartreuse Leaf Tomatoes

Groovy Tunes Tomato (1).JPG



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