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Click HERE for more info on Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale and pak choy are good to grow for all gardeners. They are a good source of fiber and needed in our daily lives and are sometimes expensive as a fresh vegetable in the supermarket! So growing Cruciferous vegetables is a wise move when you are crunching the budget. offers you a good variety of cabbage, kale and pak choy to choose from. Brunswick cabbage, Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage, Vates Collards, Dinosaur Kale, Early White Vienna Kohlrabi, Siberian Dwarf Kale, Delicatese Blue Kohlrabi, Nero Di Toscana Cabbage are just some of the Cruciferous vegetables we will offer from time to time. We soon plan to offer plant starts in spring to many of these varieties once we can expand our greenhouses.

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