Get the latest news and updates about HRSeeds.com. Anytime we make changes to HRSeeds it will be posted here. We will also post any major news we feel will impact the growing season for the USA.
Announcement - Accepting Donations For Bladder Cancer
9/25/2024 - On september 24 2024 John Tetor has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. All purchases are going towards the medical bills and are greatly appreciated! You can visit our Donation page or visit our Gofundme if you would like to make a donation. Thank you in advance for all your support...
VIDEO - How to start seeds the right way
5/15/2024 - On May third we released a video on how to start seeds correctly. Here is the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RMwjQbF2UEE
This is the best option to sprout seeds with a 90+% success rate
Announcement - Now accepting PayPal
5/14/2024 - We are now accepting payments through PayPal. due to overwhelming demand we decided to start accepting PayPal once again. Please keep in mind there is risk using PayPal, read below...
2024 NEWS - Beware of GRAZON Herbicide contamination in your soil!
Are you seeing strange twisting and stunting, no flowering on your pepper and tomato plants? Well it very well can be GRAZON Herbicide toxicity in your soil! A lot of gardeners don't realize the soil they buy at lows and home depot may have GRAZON in the soil. GRAZON is found in Hay, Manure, Compost, and Grass clippings and is often composted down to a soil but GRAZON stays in the soil for as long as 5 years! It mostly affects:
Beans and other legumes.
Carrots and other umbelliferae.
Lettuce, spinach, and other compositae.
Some species of roses.
This can also affect the sprouting of seeds. If you see plants that look like this:
Then most likely your plants have GRAZON damage to the plants. It seem like removing the damage to the plants allows the plant to recover but not always. We recommend you do NOT buy bagged soil from the big box store and compost your own soil.

2024 NEWS - Double Brood Cicadas
This year in 2024 is going to be a very rare event that will take place for the Northeast. A double brood of cicadas will happen for the first time in hundreds of years. Two different broods of red-eyed, high-decibel periodical cicadas are expected to emerge together and possibly interbreed in the middle of the country for the first time since 1803. For us gardeners it will NOT be a problem for our gardens but will be quite noisy! You can see our map below

Announcement - PayPal Discontinued
1/1/2024 - We are NO longer accepting payments through PayPal. On 1/1/2024 PayPal froze our account for selling Tehrani pepper seeds. They claimed it was some kind of security issue? As a result we could not transfer funds to our bank, could not refund monies back to customer and many other restrictions. We did straighten out the problem However using PayPal is way to risky to use for future purchases. We may use PayPal in the future if there are policy changes. Please comment below if you want to see paypal come back on HRSeeds.com see images below

UPDATE - Broken Images
9/22/2023 - We are glad to announce the images has been restore! If you find some problems with images still contact us an let us know....
Announcement - Broken Images
9/12/2023 - HRSeeds.com is experience problems with images not showing up or broken. We are working hard to get this resolved as soon as possible! All products are still available and can be ordered and added to cart. There is a major glitch with the store and some recent google updates. We do not have a set time when this will be resolved but in the meantime you can do a google search on google images where you can see the images from HRSeeds.com of that product. Thank you for your understanding and we will post an UPDATE here once the problem is resolved. You can also leave comments below.