Bola Pepper, CAP 1655
Capsicum annuum
Here is the Bola Pepper CAP 1655 also known as Rotfruechtig Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville Units: 100 to 3,000 SHU. This Pepper originates from the region of Estremadura in Spain. It is the chili pepper used to make the famous chili powder called "Pimenton de la Vera" and is used to make many french dishes. Pods get to around 2 inches round and the shape can vary but usually a bit ribbed and taper to a slight point and sometimes flattened. They go from green to a deep dark almost Burgundy type red color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 34 inches tall and put out dozens of fruits! Please note that this is not the cascabel pepper though the cascabel pepper uses the name "Bola" to describe the fresh cascabel chili peppers. They are great when dried and make a really good stuffed pepper dish! Open pollinated over 80 days.
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