CGN 21500 Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the CGN 21500 Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 1,400 to 18,000+ SHU. This rare and exotic pepper originates from Brazil. The strange pepper is very similar to Roxa family of peppers and taste similar to them. The pods get to around 1.25 to 1.75 inches across and has a rich fruity flavor that is somewhat short lived. Fruits start out cream in color with over shadowing of purple speckled with spots and turn to a peach colored base when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a medium sized plant but if pruned and potted they tend to stay small like 2 feet tall and bushy. Pods have an amazing flavor with a very nice uniqueness and medium to low heat with sweetness that is very satisfying. Some peppers may be very hot so be careful! These make a great sauce and adding to your pickling recipes as well as holds up well when frying. It's also good for fresh eating too! Very rare variety! Open pollinated 77 to 87 days.
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10 seeds
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