AMAZON is a great place to shop with over 12 million products to choose from! At the moment is just offering seeds products and do plan on offering other products in the near future. However, we are a big supporter of amazon and do plan on opening a store there soon but for now we feel confident in the website and want to offer some of the merchandise available here! We are not affiliated with any of the sellers nor do we represent them in any way. We are simply sharing products we believe would be good to have for any gardener. It is up to you (the buyer) to do your own research before you make a purchase. AMAZON has a good return policy and guaranty so that the buyer gets a good working product delivered to them. Heirloom Reviews is an Amazon affiliate and any revenue generated goes back to the operating cost of This revenue source helps keep the pricing of our seed products down! If you have a problem with any of the products promoted on, PLEASE let us know so we can remove it!
Seed Starting Kits & Supplies
Down below you will find seed starting supplies sold on AMAZON that we feel would be a good choice to make life easier around the garden. We do plan on expanding these products and adding to it. Things like seed start kits, books, labels, trays and other products like that. If you don't see what you are looking for here you can always do a search once you are on amazon for the products you are looking for!