Carolina Reaper HP22B Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the Carolina Reaper Pepper, Capsicum chinense Scoville units: 1,500,000 ~ 2,200,000 SHU. It was originally named the HP22B then later renamed the Carolina Reaper. The pepper is red and gnarled, with a small pointed tail and can get to 2.5 inches long. In 2013, Guinness World Records dubbed it the hottest chili in the world, surpassing the previous record holder, the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. In May 2017, it was reported that the Dragon's Breath Chili Pepper had achieved a heat of of 2,480,000 Scoville units, which would surpass the Carolina Reaper. Plants get to around 2.5 feet tall and are bushy and are very productive with dozens of pods. seeds can take up to a month to sprout so be patient! open pollinated 110 days.
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