
Portulaca oleracea
Here is the Purslane Plant, Portulaca oleracea! This plant is in the Portulacaceae family. It is a succulent type plant that very much looks like a weed. This plant is a very important medicinal and edible plant to know about! Tho this plant may NOT be an invasive specie it can become a major problem if you let it go and is considered a weed! The seeds from this plant can be a bit of trouble to collect but you can make it easy to collect seed as i show in the video below! Every part of the plant can be eaten and taste a little like lettuce. Plants can get to 3 feet wide and sprawl out along the ground. We recommend growing it in pots and let it hang down. Cold hardy, open pollinated 30 to 60 days. Never eat a plant you can't fully identify!
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