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CRX Fatalii Pepper (HR) F-2
Capsicum chinense
Here is the CRX Fatalii Pepper (HR), Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 25,000 ~ 125,000 SHU. This is a cross between a Carolina Reaper and a yellow Fatalii pepper created by Heirloom Reviews! This pepper has the flavor of a fatalii with a hint of reaper or 7 pot but lacks the heat of a reaper. Pepper pods are flat like a fatalii but with a tail and about 2.5 inches long and red. Guessing the heat is around 100,000 SHU but may be higher. This is an F-2 and still is not stable but we will offer seeds to those who want to try it! Plants can get to 3 feet tall and compact. Open Pollinated, 85 days from transplants.
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10 seeds
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