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Here is the CAP 499 Pepper, Capsicum Chacoense, Scoville units: 10,000+ SHU. It is a perennial shrubs that grows very large as well as close to the ground. They have a SHU of about 10,000 and can be quite hot! The pods are about 1/4 inch long with a blunt nose unlike the pequin pepper. The species originates from South America. It is known locally as 'Tova' or 'Covincho' in Paraguay, 'ají putaparió' in Argentina, and as 'ají puta madre' in Chile. This is NOT a beginners pepper. Seed starts are sporadic an difficult to start. Seeds can take as long as 2 months to sprout! Plants can grow to 6 feet tall and leggy. Open pollinated 120+ days.
Here is the CAP 499 Pepper, Capsicum Chacoense, Scoville units: 10,000+ SHU. It is a perennial shrubs that grows very large as well as close to the ground. They have a SHU of about 10,000 and can be quite hot! The pods are about 1/4 inch long with a blunt nose unlike the pequin pepper. The species originates from South America. It is known locally as 'Tova' or 'Covincho' in Paraguay, 'ají putaparió' in Argentina, and as 'ají puta madre' in Chile. This is NOT a beginners pepper. Seed starts are sporadic an difficult to start. Seeds can take as long as 2 months to sprout! Plants can grow to 6 feet tall and leggy. Open pollinated 120+ days.
Here is the CAP 499 Pepper, Capsicum Chacoense, Scoville units: 10,000+ SHU. It is a perennial shrubs that grows very large as well as close to the ground. They have a SHU of about 10,000 and can be quite hot! The pods are about 1/4 inch long with a blunt nose unlike the pequin pepper. The species originates from South America. It is known locally as 'Tova' or 'Covincho' in Paraguay, 'ají putaparió' in Argentina, and as 'ají puta madre' in Chile. This is NOT a beginners pepper. Seed starts are sporadic an difficult to start. Seeds can take as long as 2 months to sprout! Plants can grow to 6 feet tall and leggy. Open pollinated 120+ days.
Here is the CAP 499 Pepper, Capsicum Chacoense, Scoville units: 10,000+ SHU. It is a perennial shrubs that grows very large as well as close to the ground. They have a SHU of about 10,000 and can be quite hot! The pods are about 1/4 inch long with a blunt nose unlike the pequin pepper. The species originates from South America. It is known locally as 'Tova' or 'Covincho' in Paraguay, 'ají putaparió' in Argentina, and as 'ají puta madre' in Chile. This is NOT a beginners pepper. Seed starts are sporadic an difficult to start. Seeds can take as long as 2 months to sprout! Plants can grow to 6 feet tall and leggy. Open pollinated 120+ days.

CAP 499 Pepper

Capsicum chacoense

Here is the CAP 499 Pepper, Capsicum Chacoense, Scoville units: 10,000+ SHU. It is a perennial shrubs that grows very large as well as close to the ground. They have a SHU of about 10,000 and can be quite hot! The pods are about 1/4 inch long with a blunt nose unlike the pequin pepper. The species originates from South America. It is known locally as 'Tova' or 'Covincho' in Paraguay, 'ají putaparió' in Argentina, and as 'ají puta madre' in Chile. This is NOT a beginners pepper. Seed starts are sporadic an difficult to start. Seeds can take as long as 2 months to sprout! Plants can grow to 6 feet tall and leggy. Open pollinated 120+ days.

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