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The Spun Gold Marigold, Tagetes erecta Flowers Blooms naturally occur in golden, yellow. Planted as annuals, these beautiful flowers will bloom all summer long! Tagetes species grow well in almost any sort of soil. Most horticultural selections grow best in soil with good drainage, even though some cultivars are known to have good tolerance to drought. Open pollinated. 60-70 days.

Spun Gold Marigold Flowers

Tagetes erecta

The Spun Gold Marigold, Tagetes erecta Flowers Blooms naturally occur in golden, yellow. Planted as annuals, these beautiful flowers will bloom all summer long! Tagetes species grow well in almost any sort of soil. Most horticultural selections grow best in soil with good drainage, even though some cultivars are known to have good tolerance to drought. Open pollinated. 60-70 days.

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The Spun Gold Marigold, Tagetes erecta Flowers Blooms naturally occur in golden, yellow. Planted as annuals, these beautiful flowers will bloom all summer long! Tagetes species grow well in almost any sort of soil. Most horticultural selections grow best in soil with good drainage, even though some cultivars are known to have good tolerance to drought. Open pollinated. 60-70 days.
The Spun Gold Marigold, Tagetes erecta Flowers Blooms naturally occur in golden, yellow. Planted as annuals, these beautiful flowers will bloom all summer long! Tagetes species grow well in almost any sort of soil. Most horticultural selections grow best in soil with good drainage, even though some cultivars are known to have good tolerance to drought. Open pollinated. 60-70 days.
The Spun Gold Marigold, Tagetes erecta Flowers Blooms naturally occur in golden, yellow. Planted as annuals, these beautiful flowers will bloom all summer long! Tagetes species grow well in almost any sort of soil. Most horticultural selections grow best in soil with good drainage, even though some cultivars are known to have good tolerance to drought. Open pollinated. 60-70 days.

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