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Poona Kheera Cucumber (8).JPG

Poona Kheera Cucumber

Cucumis sativus

Here is the Poona Kheera Cucumber, Cucumis sativus. It originates from the city of Poonah in India. These cucumbers are a very large variety! It has smooth skin when it's young but if you leave them on the vine to full maturity they can get to 15 inches long and 4 inches round!. They make great pickles when picked young! Fun variety to grow and needs a lot of space as the vine can get to 30 feet long! Open pollinated 65 to 84 days from transplanting.

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Poona Kheera Cucumber (5).JPG
Poona Kheera Cucumber (9).JPG
Poona Kheera Cucumber (2).JPG
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