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Here is the Hot Beads Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 90,000+ SHU. Not much is known about this pepper except that its a wild pepper  from Turkey. It is pretty much a larger bird pepper. The plant is medium short getting around 3 feet tall and very productive which makes it a good choice for a house plant when pruned. We found these to be great for drying and ground down into a powder or pickled! Open pollinated 72 days.

Hot Beads Pepper

Capsicum annuum

Here is the Hot Beads Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 90,000+ SHU. Not much is known about this pepper except that its a wild pepper  from Turkey. It is pretty much a larger bird pepper. The plant is medium short getting around 3 feet tall and very productive which makes it a good choice for a house plant when pruned. We found these to be great for drying and ground down into a powder or pickled! Open pollinated 72 days.

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10 seeds


Here is the Hot Beads Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 90,000+ SHU. Not much is known about this pepper except that its a wild pepper  from Turkey. It is pretty much a larger bird pepper. The plant is medium short getting around 3 feet tall and very productive which makes it a good choice for a house plant when pruned. We found these to be great for drying and ground down into a powder or pickled! Open pollinated 72 days.
Here is the Hot Beads Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 90,000+ SHU. Not much is known about this pepper except that its a wild pepper  from Turkey. It is pretty much a larger bird pepper. The plant is medium short getting around 3 feet tall and very productive which makes it a good choice for a house plant when pruned. We found these to be great for drying and ground down into a powder or pickled! Open pollinated 72 days.
Here is the Hot Beads Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 90,000+ SHU. Not much is known about this pepper except that its a wild pepper  from Turkey. It is pretty much a larger bird pepper. The plant is medium short getting around 3 feet tall and very productive which makes it a good choice for a house plant when pruned. We found these to be great for drying and ground down into a powder or pickled! Open pollinated 72 days.

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